$1409 Value for Just $47 (97% OFF)
I'm getting you over $1400 of life changing products, including the 10 hour Be Your Potential video program and Night Time Transformations, all at a 97% Discount...
Check out all of what you get below...
PLUS my....
Be Your Potential (10 Hour Video Program) $997
Total Value: $1409
97% Off Discount: $47
This discount is a one-time, a life-time transformation bundle.
Please no asking for this huge discount after the Sunday, it ends at midnight.
The Be Your Potential Video Training:
“Now You Can Become FREE
Of Fear And Create The Life Of Your Dreams!”
Take a moment and imagine...
• A life free of limitations...
• What type of financial success would you achieve?
• How would it transform your health?
• What type of relationships would you have?
At my Be Your Potential weekend seminar video program, I will show you how to discover the secret of success for every area of your life. Through these mind technologies you will be able to transform your life to a level you have only dreamed of.
On the Be Your Potential training you will learn:
• How To Release Negative Emotions Once And For All
• My Simple Strategy For Consciously Creating Your Future
• How To Finally Take Charge of Your Own Destiny
• You’ll Also Release Limiting Thoughts. Such As...
"I have low self-esteem ...” “I’m not good enough…”
"I can't have a great relationship ..."
"It's hard to make money ..."
• How To Identify And Install Key Success Factors In All Areas Of Life
• Developing Core Beliefs That Serve You – And Planting Them Deep Into Your Unconscious Mind
• Integrate Excellence For Outstanding Results
• Accelerate Your Success In All Areas Of Your Life
The WHOLE weekend recorded into 12 TRANSFORMATION modules...
Usually $997
Plus You Also Get.....

Get over four hours of continuous hypnosis whilst you sleep for individually sold at $59 each!
You get:
- General Sleep Transformation
- Confidence Sleep Transformation
- Restorative Sleep Transformation
- Weight-Loss Sleep Transformation
VALUE $236

If you could manifest your dreams, how would it transform your health, relationships and career?
You get:
- Positive Affirmations Session
- Amazing Relationships Section
- Perfect Health Session
- Financial Abundance Session
- Wellbeing Manifestation Session

The 10 Mind Shifts To Conscious Mastery That Gets Your Unconscious Mind On Your Side
Discover the conscious minds power to direct the unconscious mind to total success with accompanying day and night success hypnosis sessionVALUE $147
What Your Going To Get...
PLUS my....
Be Your Potential (10 Hour Video Program) $997
Total Value: $1409
97% Off Discount: $47
This discount is a one-time, a life-time transformation bundle.
Please no asking for this huge discount after the Sunday, it ends at midnight.
$1409 Value for Just $47 (97% OFF)